Aerobic exercise for seniors – how to improve muscle, heart and brain function simultaneously

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Aerobic exercise for seniors – how to improve muscle, heart and brain function simultaneously

Aerobic training (aerobics) is an exercise that can be successfully done by people of all ages, even seniors. What is aerobic training?

What is aerobic training?

Aerobic exercise is based on increased aerobic exchange. This means that during training muscles have maximum access to oxygen, which translates into effective fat burning. Aerobic training involves exercises with an intensity that raises the heart rate to a level that translates into a faster metabolism.

As already mentioned, this type of exercise is best for people who want to get rid of excess body fat. It is also a good solution for all those who are building muscle mass. Aerobic training is a proven way to increase the endurance of your heart muscle.

What is worth remembering during aerobic training?

The first very important point is a steady exercise pace that allows you to breathe freely without shortness of breath. The optimal heart rate during this type of exercise is 60-65% of a person’s maximum heart rate. It should be around 120-130 beats per minute. The duration of aerobic training is no less important. Ideally, it should not be shorter than 40 minutes. This is due to the fact that at the initial stage the body burns glycogen stores located in muscles, i.e. carbohydrates. Reduction of fat tissue is activated only after about 20-30 minutes. However, it is important to realise that this is not a rule and burning depends on a number of different factors, such as age, diet and hormone levels.

The optimal frequency of aerobic training is 3 times a week. In order to be effective, aerobic exercises must be varied and simultaneously involve many muscle groups, such as abdominal muscles, back muscles, shoulders, forearms, legs and buttocks. How to calculate the maximum heart rate mentioned above? It is very simple! From 220 (this is the generally accepted maximum heart rate), subtract your age.

Good aerobic training – what kind of training?

Aerobic training can take various forms. It can include exercises aimed at burning fat or those aimed at improving endurance. It all depends here on what is the goal of a given person. The most effective solution is to combine several different exercises, such as running (treadmill or outdoor), cycling, orbitrek, stepper and rowing ergometer exercises.

Aerobic training for seniors

Aerobic exercise can be successfully performed by people of all ages, including seniors. It is a proven way to increase joint mobility, oxygenate the body and overall fitness, and decrease the risk of osteoporosis or heart attacks. For the elderly, outdoor activity will be the best option. This will make us feel better and our vitality will increase.

What kind of aerobic training will be the safest and most effective for seniors? Jogging, Nordic walking, swimming, bicycling, cycling or exercising on an orbiter are all suitable here. This type of training should take place at least 3 times a week and last no less than 30 minutes. An interesting alternative to classical aerobic training for seniors can be the recently very popular outdoor gyms. The equipment included in them is built in such a way that it uses the body’s own weight. This makes them effective in reducing the risk of injury. It’s also a great way to meet new people.

Featured photo: Freepik

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