Tag - sport for the elderly

Bicycle for seniors – which parameters are crucial?
Bicycle for seniors – which parameters are crucial?

Age is not an obstacle! What should be a dream bike for a senior?

Aerobic exercise for seniors – how to improve muscle, heart and brain function simultaneously
Aerobic exercise for seniors – how to improve muscle, heart and brain function simultaneously

Aerobic exercise is a good option for people of all ages, including seniors. They help oxygenate the body and improve overall fitness.

Running for seniors – how to train to avoid injury?
Running for seniors – how to train to avoid injury?

Over-exercising the body and making workout mistakes can lead to serious damage to a senior’s health. Learn how to train safely.

How do you encourage your advanced age parent to get regular physical activity?
How do you encourage your advanced age parent to get regular physical activity?

The health benefits of regular exercise for seniors can make a significant difference in quality and length of life. Check out how to convince your advanced age parent to exercise!