How to eliminate white sugar from the family menu?

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How to eliminate white sugar from the family menu?

Everyone enjoys sweets, especially children. Naturally, sugars are found in honey, fruits and dairy products. However, we often reach for highly processed products that contain huge amounts of sugar. Sweets, cakes, yeast – among other things, we find in them a substance that has a very negative impact on the health of our children and ourselves. What can be done to eliminate white sugar from the family menu?

Check the sugar content of products

Being able to see how much sugar is in a given product, as well as how much we consume on a daily basis, should make it easier to decide to get rid of it from the family menu. Children will probably have the biggest problem with giving up sweets, that is why it is so important to educate them in the aspect of healthy nutrition from the youngest age.

It is enough to say that an inappropriate diet is an increasingly serious disease that affects young people in particular. Fast food takeaways, sugary drinks, sugary snacks, all of this is causing more and more children to struggle with overweight and obesity. Reading labels and checking the white death content of products is a basic step to becoming aware of how much we are poisoning our bodies. However, sometimes we unknowingly buy items that contain added sugar in various forms. So let us also remember to know and pay attention to what substitutes are equally harmful.

Gradual resignation from sugar

Immediately stopping the consumption of sugar does not lead to anything good. Why? In a sense, it is an addiction, so there can be different reactions of the body in the mental as well as physical sphere. Children very often rebel and thus eat even more sweets, thus making the body store it and accumulate in the form of fats. Definitely a better solution is to gradually reduce sugar. It’s worth starting by reducing the number of teaspoons in your coffee or tea, giving up carbonated sweetened drinks and stopping buying sweets from the store so they don’t tempt you. If they’re not in the house, you won’t be able to eat them, thus reducing your intake. It is also worth adopting the maxim “small steps to success”.

Home-made sweets instead of ready-made sweets

Sometimes there are days when everyone has a craving for something sweet. Fresh fruit, which naturally contains sugar in the form of fructose, is the best choice in such situations. However, if you still feel like sweets or cakes, you can try baking something yourself instead of using ready-made products. There are plenty of recipes for healthy baking available on the Internet, which taste even better than those from the store shelf. It is worth to start your adventure with “cooking” from simple recipes for bars and power balls. If we do not feel good in kitchen revolutions, we can use the box diet, which also includes in its menu fit sweets.

Using substitutes for white sugar

Sometimes it is very hard to eliminate sugar from your diet. In many baked goods white sugar is an essential ingredient, however it can be replaced with equally tasty substitutes. For this purpose we can use xylitol, erythrol, dried fruit, honey, agave or maple syrup. However, we must be aware and remember that healthy substitutes are still products rich in simple sugars, so they should be consumed in moderation.

Healthy and balanced diet

A properly composed diet with an appropriate caloric balance helps keep the body in shape. Moreover, it ensures supply of all macronutrients and nutrients, thanks to which we do not feel an urge to eat something sweet. It should be added here that regular breaks between meals help stabilize blood sugar levels and avoid hunger attacks.

Featured photo: Freepik

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