Running with a stroller – a new trend among active parents

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Running with a stroller – a new trend among active parents

Daily walks with a stroller are an integral part of life for first-time parents, but they can become a tedious chore over time. For this reason, some people decide to diversify this activity by combining it with running training. Running with a stroller is growing in popularity, and parents outdo each other in listing the benefits.

A new member of the family can turn life upside down right away. At some point, the responsibilities around the baby simply become too much, and parents notice that they don’t have enough time to take care of themselves. Then a lot of dilemmas arise, among which the leading is the timeless question – training or a walk with your child? It turns out that there is no need to cross out of our schedule one of these extremely important activities and you can successfully combine them into an integral whole. Stroller with a child does not have to mean only monotonous walks, and there is even a chance that it will become our new best friend!

So how to start your adventure with this unusual activity? In order not to get into deep waters right away, at the beginning it is best to push the stroller during normal energetic walking. This way we will get used to a little more dynamic movement, which will accompany us at the next stage, that is, the very run. It is also worth making sure that the movement is as coordinated as possible, so avoid, for example, a fast and uncontrolled ride down a hill, which the child will certainly not like. Friendly places, such as all kinds of parks, forests, paths by the river or country roads will be perfect as routes. The moment we can run with a stroller continuously for 20 minutes, we are fully ready to start regular and more intensive workouts.

However, physical preparation is not everything. Before you start running with a stroller, it is worth to familiarize yourself with aspects of a typically technical nature. The key issue here will be proper clothing and preparation of our child. Due to the fact that the child lies motionless throughout the training, its outfit should be much warmer than the one in which the parent is dressed. In addition, it is necessary to fasten the child with the seat belt – jogging with a stroller is not an extreme sport, but you have to take into account the possibility of capsizing. So when it comes to choosing the equipment, we have to say goodbye to an ordinary stroller. A good stroller especially designed for jogging costs around 1,350 PLN, although there are more and more expensive accessories on the market, with prices reaching even over 2 thousand PLN.

According to the opinions of parents who practice running with a stroller on a regular basis, any costs or difficulties in preparation are more than recouped. The very prospect of being able to go for a walk with your child and get some physical activity at the same time sounds appealing. It turns out that the toddler will also be satisfied – runners assure that their children, thanks to the fresh air and more dynamic movement of the stroller, definitely calm down, soothe down and, as a result, fall asleep willingly. This type of activity is therefore an excellent choice for both children and parents.

Featured photo: Pixabay

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