Seasonal fruits – rich in vitamins for the whole family

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Seasonal fruits – rich in vitamins for the whole family

Summer is a time abundant in a variety of fruits. Most of them can be purchased from natural farms – these are the ones that have the most beneficial effect on the body of adults and children.


Theseason for strawberries begins as early as June, and their prices regularly drop as the sunny weather becomes more frequent. Strawberries are one of the fruits that have large amounts of vitamin A, B, C, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, magnesium or potassium in their composition.

These fruits have a strong antioxidant effect, relieve inflammation, lower blood pressure and support the proper functioning of the immune system. According to research, eating strawberries regularly also reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease.


The low-calorie fruit contains very large amounts of water. In 100 grams of watermelon, the calorific value is only 37 calories, which is especially good for people who care about their weight. Watermelon is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and citrulline.

Frequent consumption also improves the work of the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis or stroke. A watermelon-based drink or fresh fruit is a proven way to provide your body with plenty of water and avoid dehydration on hot days.


If you are looking for a fruit that stops the negative effects of free radicals, then cherries are the perfect solution. Thanks to their action they slow down the skin ageing process, cleanse the body from toxins and neutralise harmful products of the metabolic process, improving the metabolism of the body.

Potassium contained in cherries removes excess salt from the body, which negatively affects the work of the kidneys and cardiovascular system. They are also rich in vitamins, flavonoids, manganese, organic acids and fiber.

It is one of the fresh fruits that stay in the stomach for a long time, that is why it should not be eaten at night or when suffering from stomach ulcers or disorders of the digestive system.

Wild strawberries

These inconspicuous fruits are a rich source of vitamins C, K and B, potassium and healthy fiber. They also contain magnesium, calcium, iron and even antioxidants that inhibit free radicals.

Eating strawberries is one of the effective ways to boost immunity, improve metabolism and remove harmful substances from the body. In natural medicine, strawberry extract is used as a mild laxative and a cure for high fever. It is also a great cosmetic to whiten freckles, moisturize and nourish the skin and reduce redness.


Of the varieties available in the market, dark purple grapes are the most beneficial for health. They are the ones that contain the most iron and flavonoids, which lower cholesterol and regulate normal blood pressure.

Although fresh fruit is high in calories, carbohydrates and sugar, it can be a dietary snack in a weight loss diet thanks to the resveratrol it contains. Studies have also shown that dark grape juice has a positive effect on reducing blood viscosity, which may be of particular interest to those struggling with cardiovascular disease.


The seasonal fruit is one of the most effective home remedies for constipation. Thanks to its diuretic properties, it is great for the urinary system and kidneys, and also cleanses the body of harmful substances, speeding up metabolism.

Gooseberries are a rich source of iron, vitamin C and pectin. It also contains potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and calcium. Thanks to its composition, gooseberries stimulate the body’s nervous system, which makes them a good way to relieve feelings of stress.

Featured photo: Freepik

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