Outdoor sports games with children

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Outdoor sports games with children

Time spent with your loved ones allows you to forget about everyday worries and responsibilities. Below you will find some ideas on how to actively use a free day with your children.

Physical activity at the expense of family?

For many busy people who struggle to find a few free hours a week, the real dilemma is whether to spend this time with the family or go for a long-awaited workout. You can choose a mixed system – once training and once time with your family. There is another way out of this difficult situation. You don’t have to choose! Both sports activity and spending free time with your loved ones can be combined! All you need is a bit of creativity and a few ideas for active spending of time outdoors. Not only will your condition benefit from such joint physical activity, but you will also strengthen family ties. Spend as much time as you can with your kids. Before you know it, they’ll be grown up and out of the family nest!

Cycling out of town

The times when it was a real fight for life for every cyclist behind city corners are long gone. Bicycle paths dedicated to cyclists are springing up all over the country like mushrooms after rain. Green Velo, Velo Dunajec, Vistula Cycling Route, Żelazny Szlak Cyclingowy, cycling path around the Czorsztyńskie Lake – these are just a few examples. You don’t have to be in great shape to go on a bike tour. All you need is a good bike and a bit of willingness – on most of the cycle routes there are service points for cyclists every now and then – shelters with benches where you can take a rest.

If you plan a bicycle trip with children, remember to adjust the length and difficulty of the route to the abilities of the weakest member of the family. A ten year old, who is skilled in cycling, should be able to cover 20 kilometers in a day without much trouble. Always have a map of the area with you – in some places, especially in unspoiled nature, cell phone coverage is still rare! Plan your trip in such a way that there are places on the route where you will be able to have a hot meal or replenish your provisions. Who knows, maybe after a few such trips you will decide to take a vacation on two wheels far away from civilization?

Hiking in the mountains

Family hiking in the mountains is a great way to spend at least a few hours among your loved ones. If you don’t want to discourage the youngest members of your family from hiking in the mountains, choose easy trails to start with. Start with the Beskids or the Tatra valleys. Go where the hostel is – nothing is more motivating for a small straggler than the promise of a delicious apple pie at the end of a hike. Get your child interested in the history of the region – even before the expedition, try to find out about the local legends that you will tell your kids during the hike. You can also play a game of tree identification or spot red squirrel putty.

Group games for every occasion

If you and your neighbors are a good team, you can organize a family sports tournament. It will be up to you to decide which sport you will choose. Will you choose soccer or volleyball? Or maybe you will organize a multi-sport tournament, so that everyone can do their best? Remember, it’s all about having fun. You do not have to worry about prizes. The kids will enjoy spending time with their parents in a creative way, and the best prize will be a diploma.

Do you have organizational talent? Don’t hesitate! Get your neighbors together, pick a date and devote at least one day of the sunny weekend to family entertainment. You will no longer have the dilemma of whether to go for a run or spend time with your family. You’ll find that you can exercise together, and infecting your children with the passion for sports brings a lot of satisfaction! Who knows, maybe you will raise a future athlete who will win a championship title in a few years with a dedication to you?

Featured photo: Freepik

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