How to boost the immunity of the whole family?

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How to boost the immunity of the whole family?

Autumn and winter is the time when it is very easy to catch a bacterial or viral infection. Unfortunately, it is in the autumn and winter that we fall ill most often, and many factors have an impact on this. First of all, at this time our immunity decreases, so it is important to take care of it properly.

Support of the immune system

Regardless of the season, the human body is very often exposed to stress, little sleep and sunlight, which adversely affects its immunity. All this causes that the immune system ceases to be an impenetrable barrier for many bacteria and viruses. Regular intake of various medications, improper and unbalanced diet, in which processed food dominates, results in gradual loss of nutrients essential for the body.

In the case of toddlers recurrent infections, which are the result of not yet fully formed immune system, will be an additional burden. However, you can take care of the health of all family members, supporting the immunity of household members in many simple ways. The earlier we think about it, the better, because the use of supplements during an ongoing infection is ineffective.

Vitamins are the foundation of a strong immune system

The immune system, in order to function efficiently during the autumn and winter, must be equipped with the right tools. One of them is vitamin C, which many people forget about. This substance is referred to as a specialist when it comes to supporting the body in the fight against the onset of infection. Vitamin C shortens the time of illness and reduces the frequency of its appearance. It is also a powerful antioxidant that can stop the damage caused by free radicals.

Vitamin D should not be forgotten either. It is the only substance that the body is able to produce on its own. Also called the sunshine vitamin, it is produced thanks to the sun’s rays, which acting on the skin, trigger the processes responsible for its production. It is worth adding that vitamin D supports the development of natural antibiotics in the body, namely defensin and cathelicidin.

Vitamin D3 is responsible for regulating the function of T lymphocytes, i.e. immune system cells. According to scientific research, every fourth person in the world struggles with vitamin D3 deficiency, and consequently with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. In Poland, due to the geographical location and less sunlight, even more people suffer from this ailment.

Underestimated role of minerals

Zinc deficiency also contributes to the weakening of the immune system. It is one of the most important elements that plays a very important role when the immune response to bacterial attack. A deficiency of this mineral can cause a weakening of the mucous membranes, which paves the way for viruses and allows them to enter the body. Thus, zinc helps prevent pathogens from attacking, penetrating internal organs and multiplying at an alarming rate.

Equally important is another mineral, namely selenium, which is responsible for protecting cells from free radical damage and supports the development and mobility of white blood cells. In addition, it helps build proteins that are part of the immune system. So, if we want to take care of our immunity, especially during autumn and winter, we should also toughen our body and dress warmly in addition to a proper diet.

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