How do you stay healthy when one of your household members gets sick?

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How do you stay healthy when one of your household members gets sick?

Autumn and winter period is a time when the human body is particularly vulnerable to infections and attacks of various viruses. When one person falls ill, very often within just a few days other household members start to fall ill. Such a course of events seems inevitable due to the constant contact. However, certain rules have been developed that, if followed, can help a healthy person from catching a cold and becoming infected.

Immunity and staying clean

The common cold, flu, and other viruses most often attack during the fall and winter. This is primarily due to favorable weather conditions, which allow them to transmit more easily from person to person. In addition, the immunity of people at this time decreases, there is a lack of vitamin D, which also translates into poorer functioning of the immune system. Therefore, if someone at home gets sick, we should behave accordingly. Certainly, we do not want to share his infection with someone, because our body can bear it even harder.

During the illness of someone close, with whom we live under the same roof, we should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, and take care of proper supplementation. Keeping clean will also help, especially regular hand washing.

Many diseases and viruses spread rapidly. So it’s helpful to get in the habit of regularly disinfecting common surfaces, such as refrigerator doors, computer keyboards, doorknobs, and tables. Just look around the house and you will already know what to pay special attention to when cleaning.

How should a person with an illness behave?

Infection with any disease does not happen by itself, it needs the help of viruses. Is it a good idea to isolate a sick person from the rest of the household? Not necessarily, and certainly not for the sick person himself. Spending many hours alone in one room will depress such a person rather than cure him and put him back on his feet. Instead, it is better to teach the sick person to follow a few important rules, which have actually been known to people for many years:

– sneeze into a bent elbow;

– keep your distance (about 2 meters is enough);

– quickly dispose of used tissues;

– in the case of a child, remember not to share their toys with anyone; in addition, they should be cleaned and disinfected regularly with safe means;

– Breathe fresh air, so you should ventilate the room regularly (depending on the weather, you can ventilate longer or shorter, but more often).

What about sharing a common bedroom?

Partners usually sleep together, so it is difficult for them to sleep separately when one of them is sick. The extreme but safest solution will be to choose another bed to sleep in until the situation is stabilized. There are times when this is not an option, then what? Changing your bedding on a regular basis is the key to improving your safety. You don’t necessarily have to buy a new set of pillows and comforters every day, but it is enough to change the pillowcases and wash them. This is a good way, but it does not guarantee that you will be able to protect yourself 100 percent against illness.

In case of children the situation is different. First of all, there is no need to change the bedding in the baby’s crib. With this you can wait until he feels better. Of course, this refers to the situation when there are no bigger and more visible impurities. It is also worth taking care of the air humidity in the room. During the heating season it is dry, which promotes the growth of bacteria and viruses.

Featured Image: Freepik

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