Every country, every custom – what movement games are popular among children from different parts of the world?

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Every country, every custom – what movement games are popular among children from different parts of the world?

Children all over the world play, happily inventing new games every now and then to promote their development and teach them rules in human interaction. Interestingly, completely different movement games are popular in each country. 

Playing with peers activates the child. They have a salutary effect on his development. They help him understand social interrelationships, learn about the world, spend active time among friends. However, games in different parts of the world differ significantly from each other.

1. United States

Popular in our country as well, the game of tossing is one of the most frequently chosen games by American children. The history of the game of uphill walking goes all the way back to the time of Indian tribes living in the northern areas of America. Particularly interesting and engaging are the game of the game, which is played in forest areas or parks. Almost everyone knows the rules of the game, but it is worth mentioning them as a reminder. Participants divide into two groups, which set off into the field at different times. The first group leaves the latter with clues and tasks, which the next team follows as quickly as possible – to catch up with their opponents.

2. South Africa

Mbube, Mbube!, which translates to ‘lion, lion!’, is a game popular in South Africa. Children playing this game choose two daredevils, whom they blindfold. Beforehand, they choose who in the game is the lion and who is the antelope. The game begins by spinning the chosen ones in such a way that they lose their orientation. Then the other kids cheer the lion with loud shouts in such a way that the lion captures the antelope as quickly as possible.

3. Sweden

In Sweden, a popular game is dog and bone. This game involves children sitting side by side in a circle, covering each other’s eyes. One of the participants becomes a dog and hides a bone behind his friend’s back. The one toddler who realizes that it is he who has the bone behind him must quickly grab it in his hand and run around the circle created, then sit down on the ground. The dog is the only one who moves in the opposite direction of everyone else, When there is not enough space to sit in the circle – then the game is over. Dice in the game are often replaced by fruits, crayons or sticks. Children’s imagination has no limits! 

4. Italy

Children in Italy love the game of trigon. This is a game that involves children drawing a triangle on the ground. Its dimensions are about 4 sizable steps. In each corner stands a child and throws a ball to the other. The game should be adapted to the age of the children, so if they are older toddlers, you can confidently give them even a few balls to throw during the game. The fundamental rule is that the ball should not touch the ground. At first glance, the rules and all the fun are trivial, but it is a really engaging and exciting game!

5. Australia

Australian King of Squares is a game for which four participants will be necessary. Certainly, the support of a caregiver will also be helpful. The adult has to draw four squares of about 2 m × 2 m on the ground. Each square is a kingdom belonging to one participant, and must be protected by the owner. The game involves tossing a ball between the kingdoms. The ball should categorically not be grasped in the hands. It can be bounced by hand or foot. The ball in one turn can touch the area of the kingdom once. If it happens several times – the participant is out. The winner is the one who protects his kingdom and stays in the game the longest. 

main photo: pexels.com/Jennifer Murray

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