5 healthy vegetables kids don’t like

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5 healthy vegetables kids don’t like

Vegetables are healthy – no one needs to be convinced of that. However, children – as they are children – usually know better and are picky when eating. Check which vegetables are on the list of those most disliked by toddlers.

Spinach – the best source of iron

It is difficult to say whether children really do not like this green vegetable on a mass scale, or whether this is just an established opinion in society. One thing is for sure, spinach can really scare off its taste if it is not properly seasoned. However, the use of spices will make it melt in the mouth and every child will love it

The most popular is cooked spinach. This form increases the absorption of carotene. You can also serve spinach to toddlers raw, as a tasty addition to a salad. It is a great source of not only iron, but also such minerals as magnesium and potassium.

Tomatoes – red kingdom on a plate

There are children who love tomatoes in every form. However, it is not difficult to find some toddlers for whom a piece of fresh tomato on a sandwich is unacceptable. Surprisingly, however, no one seems to frown on tomato soup, ketchup or tomato sauce on the bottom of their favorite pizza.

Tomatoes are very healthy. They contain a great deal of antioxidants. Although heart diseases affect mostly elderly people, it is worth taking care of health already in children. The optimal content of tomatoes in the daily diet reduces the risk of medical incidents related to heart attacks. In addition, these red vegetables have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Brussels sprouts – a bitter guest on the plate

Children usually like sweet dishes, so it should come as no surprise that Brussels sprouts with their bitter taste are not among the favorite vegetables. However, it is very healthy. It has folic acid in its composition, as well as a lot of B vitamins. Your child will not reach for Brussels sprouts for any reason? Be creative and create a colorful meal. The bitter taste can be alleviated with milk.

Celery – a proven source of many vitamins

People who want to lose a few extra pounds often reach for celery. On children’s plates it appears very rarely, which is a pity, because it is a very healthy vegetable. It has few calories, so it is recommended as an addition to fresh salads for those children who are already struggling with excess weight at a young age.

You may be surprised by this information, but there is much more vitamin C in celery than, for example, in citrus fruits. In addition, in this vegetable you will also find vitamin B and folic acid. It is also a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and zinc.

Beets – borscht yes, beets no

With beets it is similar to tomatoes. While the latter are commonly accepted in ketchup, children are equally eager to eat red borscht, and not only on holidays. However, there is a bigger problem when a child gets beetroot salad or fresh steamed beets to eat. Instead of a smile, your child will probably see a grimace of displeasure.

What can you do to make your child enjoy eating vegetables? First of all, set a good example. Let several servings of healthy fruits and vegetables appear on your plate every day too!

Read also: https://activfamily.com/nutrition/how-to-motivate-your-child-to-eat-healthy/

Main Photo: Ron Lach/pexels.com

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