Mint – a natural guardian of the health of small and large

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Mint – a natural guardian of the health of small and large

There are more than 100 types of mint, the most famous of which are peppermint, green mint, Japanese mint, garden mint, water mint and spiky mint. For what ailments would mint be the best choice?

According to ancient legend, mint takes its name from the goddess Minty, with whom the god of the underworld, Hades, fell in love. Learning of this, Persephone, Hades’ wife, turned Mint into a beautifully scented plant that the ancient Greeks used to create perfumes with a refreshing scent and the Romans mixed with honey to freshen breath after drinking wine. What other possibilities are hidden in this plant?

What does mint help?

Small inconspicuous, but works wonders. Our grandmothers already said to drink mint for a stomach ache and they were absolutely right. The leaves of this plant are useful in cases of digestive problems, flatulence or constipation. They have a relaxing effect, thanks to which you can feel a noticeable improvement after just a short while.

Mint also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. That is why it is added to preparations used in inhalers, as well as to throat pastilles. It is also an ingredient of ointments, as it soothes neuralgia, muscle pain and migraines.

However, one of the greatest benefits of mint is its salutary effect on body weight and symptoms caused by stress. Drinking mint alone, however, will not help if you do not pay attention to nutrition. This herb is also recommended during sleep problems or after a hard day. Drinking an infusion of the leaves of this plant allows the body to relax. Mint also works well as a remedy for nausea.

Skin and hair

Mint has a wide range of cosmetic applications. It is used not only in toothpaste, dental floss and mouthwash, but also in creams, ointments, lipsticks and shampoos. Mint has refreshing as well as soothing properties.

Using a cream with mint improves the condition of skin that has undergone herpes. Mint added to the shampoo will help get rid of the unpleasant itching of the scalp caused by dandruff and finally eliminate it. When massaged into the head, mint oil strengthens the hair and increases the amount of hair. Peelings in lipsticks with the addition of mint have a regenerative effect on chapped lips.

It should be remembered that one can also be allergic to mint. In addition, overdosing on mint is likely to cause health problems, such as laxation from too much mint infusion or irritation from using too much mint oil.

Mint in the kitchen

Mint will enliven any dish, so it finds its place not only in summer in lemonade or in a drink. This plant is an excellent addition to salads, meats and fish. Fresh mint can also be used in many desserts, which will become refreshing.

Mint also has a beneficial effect on the efficiency of athletes. When added to water it has a positive effect on the bronchi, thanks to which the body is better ventilated, and thus less tired.

Mint and pregnancy

During pregnancy taking medicines is rather inadvisable, so diastolic pills or pills for sleeping problems should be withdrawn for some time. And here comes mint. Mint in pregnancy has one basic advantage – it is completely natural.

Drinking mint for digestion problems is not a myth that has been repeated for generations, but a proven method. Nausea, vomiting – with this without any problem this plant will cope. In addition, an infusion of mint will help sleep and reduce stress, which during pregnancy is probably not lacking.

Featured photo: Freepik

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